This Month's Story

Stella saw it first. It was huge. It’s light filled both our living room windows. She got up and quickly ran outside. Once there, she yelled for me to come out.
“Oh my gosh. Look, Paul. It’s ending on Dave and Sue’s house! Come quick”
I didn’t want to get up. I had been napping in the recliner in the living room and I could see her outside the window yelling for me to get up and come outside.
I could also see what she was so excited about.
A vibrant unbelievably large rainbow filled the window beyond where she was standing. Actually, it was only part of a rainbow. Although, the northern part and it ended on our neighbor’s house in the window to my right as Stella was pointing out, the other end of the rainbow could be seen to land squarely atop a large Holly bush in the Urchek’s field.
I looked at both windows for a minute and without getting up, picked up the phone lying beside the recliner.
After a long series of rings, my neighbor answered. He seemed to be out of breath.
“Dave, do you see the rainbow?”
“See it? Heck it hit my back yard! I’ve been out there looking for the pot. I’ve been looking like mad. I can’t find it. How big is the pot supposed to be anyway?”
“Well, I’m not sure, the legend about it varies considerably. Its believed to be a little more than two feet across, maybe three feet. It’s black, round and has a large handle and, Dave, everyone says that it is filled to the rim with gold!”
“Well, maybe so. But I don’t see it and I can’t find it!”
“It’s got to be there! Keep looking.”
I looked out the living room window that had his house in it. The rainbow was no longer as brilliant as it was, it had definitely starting to fade. Even as I watched, there was a definite fading.
It would be gone soon.
“You’d better hurry, Dave. I can see the rainbow real good from here. It’s still hitting your house, but it look to me like it’s starting to fade. You know, if it goes away, you’ll have a real tough time finding the gold.”
“I am hurrying! It’s just not here. I’m looking! I’m looking!”
“That’s too bad.”
I looked out the window. The end of the rainbow on Dave’s house was almost gone.
“What are you going to tell Sue when she comes home? You’d better keep looking. It’s got to be there somewhere. Have you looked in back of the garage?”
Dave said something more, whatever he said was was garbled. He seemed definitely unhappy, and then abruptly, he hung up.
I stared at the now quiet phone and then put it back down besides the papers on the side table. I leaned back in the recliner. Stella came in, yelled something unintelligible, looked for and found her camera and went back outside.
I didn’t move.
I watched her for a moment, then shifted my attention on the living room window to my right. In that window the southern end of the rainbow was still lighting up the Holly bush.
I smiled. This end of the rainbow had not dimmed!
I settled back quietly in the recliner. I started to doze. I didn’t have to look around; I knew exactly where the gold was.
Late tomorrow evening when the field dries out, I’ll go over there with a shovel and dig around a little. The rain will have softened the ground.
I don’t think I’ll have any trouble.
To be continued next month.